Success stories: #Success

The Digital Hub Logistics quickly started writing success stories. We are presenting a selection on our website for you to read and share. Learn more about our start-ins on their way into a digital future. Get to know new cooperation formats. What happened to the finalists of the Digital Logistics Award? What do new and successful business models look like?

With LogCoin into the Future

Classical development work coupled with a start-up mentality: LedgerEngineers want to make logistics companies more digital with blockchain technology. The idea for their "LogCoin" platform came to them while browsing through small ad portals.

What does an Innovation Coach actually do?

In the age of digitalization, innovation processes are completely different from what traditional companies are used to. How an innovation coach can contribute to the success of digitisation projects is demonstrated by the hub member BEULCO from South Westphalia, one of the many Hidden Champions in this region. Tradition and agility do not contrast here.