Reach your targets faster with digital partners
At Digital Hub Logistics in Dortmund, we accompany and advise you in your company’s digital transformation and the development of digital business. In a region that has already impressively demonstrated that structural change is possible, and in an environment that benefits from proximity to Germany’s best logistics research institutions. Pursue the further development of your digital ideas at Digital Hub Logistics – quickly and effectively! Because digital business is done where there is room for creativity and speed of action.

Are you ready to be better and faster than the competition?

Do you want to test new business ideas with low risk, and creatively solve current problems?

Are you thinking more often: »We could have done that too!«?

A new Innovation culture: Let’s »Start in«!
The Digital Hub Logistics convinces with its maker mentality. We accompany you from the initial idea to market launch. Today logistics stands for intelligent networking, and is therefore predestined to advance the digitalization of industry, the retail trade, and production. Start-ins – special digital teams or units involved with innovations outside the day-to-day business and beyond the usual product development process – are the best way to drive the development of digital projects, products, and services, especially in companies whose assets are still primarily tangible. Our Start-in Factory supports start-ins all the way from inspiration to scale-up – whether you want to use your product internally, offer it on the market, or found a new company.

Coworking & Infrastructure

Support & Network

Innovation Coaching and Components

news & events: #update
Dortmund and the Ruhr metropolitan area are among the most important logistics locations in Germany and are renowned as innovation hubs for logistics in Europe. Scientific institutions like Fraunhofer IML, Fraunhofer ISST and TU Dortmund University with their specialist chairs and industry-related lead-projects have bundled competencies in the areas of logistics and digitization in recent years and have established new forms of cooperation between business and science. Digital Hub Logistics now closes the gap in the innovation chain between pre-competition research and launching product ideas onto the market.
Innovations don’t happen by chance
The competitive pressure in the automotive industry also requires constant innovation and adaptability from suppliers. Where companies can look for and...
Start-up toern wins 1st place at the Digital Logistics Award 2024
The Digital Logistics Award was presented yesterday for the 7th time. As part of the “Zukunftskongress Logistik – 42nd Dortmunder Gespräche” and the “AI24”, the 6 finalists were given the opportunity to present their diverse and innovative logistics solutions to the audience in a five-minute elevator pitch.
Digital Logistics Award 2024: Finalists announced
On August 16, the expert jury met to deliberate on the Digital Logistics Award 2024 call for entries. Out of all applications six promising start-ups made...