You don’t want to miss this! For one month, the Digital Innovation Hub – the innovation ecosystem in Dortmund – offers you online lectures, talks, webinars, virtual tours and workshops free of charge. There is something for everyone in the colourful programme. Whether small or medium-sized companies, innovation drivers, logistics experts, doctoral students, corporations, scientists or people who want to immerse themselves in the world of digitization – you will find what you are looking for here. For our international audience we have several events in English which you can find below.

Our motto: “Just do it!”

Take part free of charge! Just click on the programme graphics, find out more and register.






Our innovation ecosystem #DIH

The Digital Transfer Weeks are offered by the Digital Hub Logistics, the Fraunhofer IML, the SME 4.0 Competence Center Dortmund “Digital in NRW”, the Center for Entrepreneurship at the TU Dortmund University, the Graduate School of Logistics and the Innovation Laboratory for Hybrid Services in Logistics.