Rise | Module 2: Future of Supply Chain Management

DAY 1: June 13, 2023

8:20 am – 8:40 am:
Joint transfer to Location – meet us in the Hotel Lobby at 8:15 am – OR Individual Arrival

8:40 am – 9:00 am:
Registration & Socialising

9:00 am – 9:30 am:
Welcome & Setting the Stage (Plenary)

9:30 am – 11:40 am:
Lab-Tour: Future of Logistics (Breakout Groups)

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm:
Impulse & Discussion: Future of Supply Chain Managemen (Dr. Michael Schmidt, Julia Börs & Axel Mayer) (Plenary)

2:00 pm – 3:45 pm:
Deep Dive Workshops | Round 1 (Breakout Groups)

4:15 pm – 5:45 pm:
Deep Dive Workshops | Round 2 (Breakout Groups)

5:45 pm – 6:00 pm:
Closing (Plenary)

6:00 pm – 6:20 pm:
Transfer to Hotel

7:15 pm – 7:30 pm:
Joint Walk to Dinner Location– Meet us in the Hotel Lobby at 7:15 pm!

7:30 pm:
Dinner @ BrauTurm

DAY 2: June 14, 2023

8:20 am – 8:40 am:
Individual Transfer to Location

8:40 am – 9:00 am:
Registration & Socialising

9:00 am – 9:15 am:
Welcome & Setting the Stage (Plenary)

9:15 am – 10:45 am:
Deep Dive Workshops | Round 3 (Breakout Groups)

11:00 am – 11:30 am:
Wrap Up Deep Dive Workshops (Plenary)

11:30 am – 12:00 pm:
Start-Up Fair: Pitches (Plenary)

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm:
Start-Up Fair incl. Lunch (Plenary)

1:45 pm – 3:45 pm:
Job Family Workshops incl. Coffee Break (Job Families)

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm:
Wrap Up Job Family Workshops & Closing  (Plenary)

5:00 pm:
Individual Departure – Have a safe trip home!



DAY 1: June 13, 2023

Round 1

Seminar room 1


Bartsch, Miriam
Berhorst, Carolin
Bornemann, Anja
Friesen, Dietrich
Hawighorst, Stefan
Hollingshead, Joel A.
Klug, Hannah
Kreft, Bernhard
Krishnan, Aashna
Morawska-Wylupek, Renata
Oldenhage, Frederike
Stenzel, Oliver
Tegeler, Lars
Thielsch, Jessica
Thompson, Kenneth A.


Seminar room Aquarium 


Altrogge, Michael
Burakova, Christina
Chouvartoudis, Axiotis
Chung, Austin
Gerken, Sebastian
Gold, Benjamin
Kolafa, Lukas
Mouelhi, Walid
Runde, Nicolas
Sarwar, Mazer
Zölle, Alexandra

Seminar room 133


Beckmann, Lisa-Maria
Cai, Michael (Xiaowei)
Donajko, Magdalena
Erdmann, Daniel
Forycki, Michael
Friedrich, Bastian
Geiger, Matthias Jannis
Gerhardt, Kai Olaf
Hertel, Gennadij
Hübler, Yvonne
Kindler, Markus
Muthaian, Arun Kumar
Pott, Lisa-Kristin
Weihnachter, Timo

Round 2

Seminar room 1


Beckmann, Lisa-Maria
Cai, Michael (Xiaowei)
Chouvartoudis, Axiotis
Chung, Austin
Donajko, Magdalena
Erdmann, Daniel
Friedrich, Bastian
Gerken, Sebastian
Hertel, Gennadij
Kindler, Markus
Kolaga, Lukas
Mouelhi, Walid
Muthaian, Arun Kumar
Pott, Lisa-Kristin
Runde, Nicolas


Seminar room Aquarium  


Bartsch, Miriam
Forycki, Michael
Friesen, Dietrich
Geiger, Matthias Jannis
Gerhardt, Kai Olaf
Hollingshead, Joeal A.
Hübler, Yvonne
Klug, Hannah
Krishnan, Aashna
Tegeler, Lars
Weihnachter, Timo


Seminar room 133 


Altrogge, Michael
Berhorst, Carolin
Bornemann, Anja
Burakova, Christina
Gold, Benjamin
Hawighorst, Stefan
Kreft, Bernhard
Morawska-Wylupek, Renata
Oldenhage, Frederike
Sarwar, Mazer
Stenzel, Oliver
Thielsch/Bex, Jessica
Thompson, Kenneth A.
Zölle, Alexandra


DAY 2: June 14, 20233

Round 3

Seminar room Aquarium


Altrogge, Michael
Burakova, Christina
Forycki, Michael
Geiger, Matthias Jannis
Gerhardt, Kai Olaf
Gold, Benjamin
Hübler, Yvonne
Sarwar, Mazer
Weihnachter, Timo
Zölle, Alexandra

Seminar room 1


Beckmann, Lisa-Maria
Berhorst, Carolin
Bornemann, Anja
Cai, Michael (Xiaowei)
Donajko, Magdalena
Erdmann, Daniel
Friedrich, Bastian
Hawighorst, Stefan
Hertel, Gennadij
Kindler, Markus
Kreft, Bernhard
Morawska-Wylupek, Renata
Muthaian, Arun Kumar
Oldenhage, Frederike
Pott, Lisa-Kristin
Stenzel, Oliver
Thielsch/Bex, Jessica
Thompson, Kenneth A.

Seminar room 133


Bartsch, Miriam
Chouvartoudis, Axiotis
Chung, Austin
Friesen, Dietrich
Gerken, Sebastian
Hollingshead, Joel A.
Klug, Hannah
Kolafa, Lukas
Krishnan, Aashna
Mouelhi, Walid
Runde, Nicolas
Tegeler, Lars