NEWS & Events: #UPDATE
Find news about the Digital Hub Logistics here: Community events, pitches, information sessions, meet & greets, conferences, conventions, and a look into social networks. Do not miss the most important events of the year. Visit us in our hub and get to know our exciting network.
InstaWalk at the Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund for #diwodo19
During the Instagram walk, people walk together to a specific location and take photos in order to publish them on Instagram or other social networks under pre-defined hash tags.
5 „Lessons learned“: What makes Start-ins successful
There are many different formats and concepts for digital transformation. More and more medium-sized companies are relying on start-ins. Compared to traditional innovation departments, flexible, independent digital teams, such as those represented in the Digital.Hub Logistics, have significant advantages.
With LogCoin into the Future
Classical development work coupled with a start-up mentality: LedgerEngineers want to make logistics companies more digital with blockchain technology. The idea for their "LogCoin" platform came to them while browsing through small ad portals.