InstaWalk at the Fraunhofer IML in Dortmund for #diwodo19
The word InstaWalk is composed of the abbreviation Instagram and the English word “walk”. During the Instagram walk, people walk together to a specific location and take photos in order to publish them on Instagram or other social networks under pre-defined hash tags.
The host of this InstaWalk is the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML in Dortmund in cooperation with the Digital Hub Logistics Dortmund, the ” Innovation Laboratory Hybrid Services in Logistics “, “Digital in NRW – Competence for SMEs” and InstaWalkRuhr. The tour takes us through the research halls of the IML. There are digital applications for the industry 4.0 to see. The participants expect autonomous vehicles with swarm intelligence in conveyor technology, AR-supported logistics applications, VR in the Enterprise Lab Center and autonomous drones.
This InstaWalk will be organized as part of the Digital Week Dortmund. The #diwodo19 is coordinated by the Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund. This year the DiWoDo takes place for the third time. The motto is “DIGITALIZATION. INNOVATIONS. CHANCES.” As a digital festival for the Ruhr region, it offers dozens of events in which to actively engage.
More Information here.