Don’t miss: Pitch Night of the Digital Hub Initiative

The Digital Hub Initiative, which also includes the Digital.Hub Logistics, is hosting its second Pitch Night. Thanks to high-quality start-ups and an opening speech by Federal Minister Peter Altmaier, even the first event of its kind attracted great media attention. This time the Pitch Night goes one step further and can present one of the largest digital conferences in Europe as a partner: the DLD Conference in Munich (19-20 January 2019). The Pitch Night will take place on 20 January 2019. Start-ups wishing to present their innovative ideas to top-class investors and an expert jury could apply for a place in the Pitch Night by 26 November 2018.

At the Pitch Night of the Digital Hub Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), innovative start-ups have the chance to convince potential investors. Selected entrepreneurs from the Digital Hubs can present their ideas to leading venture capitalists. These include High-Tech Gründerfonds, Cherry Ventures, UnternehmerTUM VC and Atlantic Labs. The focus of the start-ups from all over Germany ranges from mobility to FinTech to artificial intelligence.

With the Digital Hub Initiative, the BMWi promotes digital innovation in Germany. Entrepreneurs, founders and researchers develop digital solutions for services, trade and production in twelve Digital Hubs.

More Information here.